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Residential smoke detector

Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Detectors

It is a proven fact that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors save lives! For the safety and well-being of your family - use them. Change your batteries twice a year: when you turn your clocks forward in the spring and when you turn your clocks back in the fall. If your alarms "chirp" at you once in a while they are telling you to change the batteries or replace the entire unit. If the unit is older than ten (10) years replace it. Help them to save your life by keeping them clean and free of dust and debris.

Fire extinguisher

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are an important tool to have in any area of your home that has heating appliances (e.g., furnace rooms, kitchens, garages, areas containing a fire box, pellet stove, or fireplace).  Also, always remember, the extinguisher's job is not to put the fire out (although it is helpful) it is meant to help YOU get out!!


Chimney Cleaning

​Keep your chimney clean and functioning well for years to come with an annual cleaning. The buildup of creosote can be disastrous if left to accumulate. The product can eventually catch fire and spread into structural attic assemblies. Also, for our seasonal residents, critters can build nests inside your chimney and cause improper venting, which leads not only to a potential fire,  but serious carbon monoxide hazards.

Storage area with equipment

Storage Areas

Please keep a 36" clearance around propane/natural gas water heaters and furnaces if you NEED to store combustible items in those areas. These items are subject to flash ignition if the fuel has a delayed ignition and saturates those combustibles.

Family looking at emergency plan

Exit Drills in The Home

There is a national program that helps families prepare for a fire in their home. It is the Exit Drills In The Home (EDITH) program. Practice with your family on ways to escape from a possible fire. Do you know how to get out if the normal exits are blocked with heat and smoke? Practice now before the emergency. Have a plan. Have a meeting place like the neighbors. Once you are out, stay out! THEN call 911. Practice and be prepared.  Click here for EDITH diagram.

"Close Before You Dose"

In a house fire, are you safer sleeping with your door open or closed?

Property Mitigation and Fire Prevention

"The Lucky 7 Steps"

  1. Reduce density to a 30-40 ft. perimeter.

  2. Thin trees and brush cover.

  3. Dispose of slash from trimming and thinning.

  4. Clear those gutters of pine needles and leaves.

  5. Stack firewood away from your deck and combustibles.

  6. Trim tree branches 8-10 ft. from ground/ladder fuels.

  7. Maintain 10-12 ft from tree crown to tree crown.

Mitigation guidelines
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